The film is a complex mesh of relationships and revolves around a small town girl Pooja (Neha Pendse) who has been suppressed by the people around her since childhood for the reason of being born as a girl. Once a talented film director Shekhar (Aashish Chanana) comes across Pooja, he discovers hidden talents from the ordinary street girl. He brings her a new meaning for life, gives her a Dream to enjoy and then transforms her into a superstar.
The movie is packaged with gorgeous locales, since it has been widely shot in Switzerland, Bangkok and Dubai respectively.
Dreams is special for one more reason i.e. one particular song has been made using a unique technique called ?Rotoscopy?. For the very first time in the history of Hindi cinema, this exceptional technique has been experimented in a song, which duration is five minutes. Rotoscopy works on thousands of frames individually on computer making the visuals look sharper on screen.