'Red Alert: the War Within' is based on the true story of Narasimha (Suniel Shetty), a poor farm labourer who desperately needs money to fund the education of his children. To earn his way, he finds himself in the midst of the Naxalite movement, forced to make difficult, and morally questionable, choices.
At first, he starts as a mere cook for the terrorist group. Before too long, he graduates to weapons training, shootouts and kidnappings. A good, kind man trying to earn for his family, Narasimha finds himself in a position he had never bargained for; a man left with no choices.
The conflicted Narasimha's life gets more complicated when a confrontation with the group leader (Ashish Vidyarthi) turns his world upside down; now he's caught in the middle of the law and the militants.
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36 Farmhouse
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