The film revolves around 2 brothers namely Puran (Sunny Deol) and Kala (Bobby Deol). They live in Amritsar, Punjab where Puran manages the old Dawakhana of his ancestors based on Ayurveda. Kala is a notorious younger brother who wants to earn money, contradictory to Puran who wants to spread the cheaper way of medication rather than commercialization by private pharmaceutical companies. Marfatia Pharmaceuticals is one such company who offers a huge sum of money in turn for the process of making Vajrakavach, the ayurvedic remedy that cures all illnesses. He instantly rejects Marfatia's offer and punches him, causing him to bleed and he plans on taking revenge from Puran. Parmar (Dharmendra) is an old Lawyer living as the tenant in Puran and Kale's house. He pays only Rs. 115 rent since more... Read More
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