The film starts with Don Quixote (Amrish Puri), a don who plans on selling India in a widely publicized auction. His plan is simple - kidnap the President (Anupam Kher), replace him with a lookalike (also Anupam Kher), throw a scare and "force" the fake President to sell India. On the other hand, the story moves onto Hero (Shahrukh Khan) coming to Mumbai to be famous, be a superstar, but he turns out to be a super-street star. Then we see the next part of the story (Deepa Sahi), a young girl living in youth and enjoying her life as young.
The both characters meet where Hero lives, the slum. They both meet while deciding what to do with this exciting night. They decide to spend the night entertaining each other in any way possible - joking, dancing or doing anything they can think of. Her... Read More
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